Daily Current Affairs 22nd September 2024

Q.1. Which city hosted the triumphant conclusion of Global Bio-India 2024’s fourth edition?
Ans:- New Delhi
Q.2. Which day is Engineer’s Day observed annually in India?
Ans:- September 15
Q.3. Which company carried out the Polaris Dawn mission, which came to an effective end on September 15, 2024?
Ans:- SpaceX
Q.4. What is the name of the joint CBI and FBI operation that has been going on since 2022 to break up a cybercrime network that targets victims overseas?
Ans:- Operation Chakra III
Q.5. Which ship would Lt Cdr Roopa and Lt Cdr Dilna utilise to complete Navika Sagar Parikrama II’s circumnavigation of the earth?
Ans:- INSV Tarini
Q.6. Where was India present at the G20 Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture?
Ans:- Brazil
Q.7. Which state hosted and hosted the prime ministers’ opening of the fourth RE-INVEST Summit?
Ans:- Gujarat
Q.8. In what location was the Kalvari Submarine Escape Training Facility (VINETRA) put into service?
Ans:- Visakhapatnam
Q.9. What is the name of the humanitarian aid effort that the Indian government established to help the countries hit by Typhoon Yagi?
Ans:- Operation Sadbhav
Q.10. Which date is designated as the annual International Day for Interventional Cardiology?
Ans:- September 16
Q.11. With its ‘Parivartan’ campaign, which bank hopes to increase the income of five lakh marginal farmers by 2025?
Ans:- HDFC Bank
Q.12. What day is designated as World Ozone Day each year?
Ans:- September 16
Q.13. Which nation advanced its aerospace program this year with the successful launch of its second satellite?
Ans:- Iran

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