GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 20-20 (15.09.2024)

                Knowledge ka daily dose

Q.1 When were the Fundamental Duties incorporated in the Constitution?

(A) 1975

(B) 1976

(C) 1977

(D) 1979

Ans:- (B)

Q.2 The strength of a force is usually expressed by its __________.

(A) Motion

(B) Direction

(C) Interaction

(D) Magnitude

Ans:- (D)

Q.3 The Pitch of Sound depends on its

(A) Frequency

(B) Intensity

(C) Velocity

(D) Amplitude

Ans:- (A)

Q.4 The Crimean War in 1854-1856 was fought between 

(A) Russia and Turkey

(B) USA and England

(C) Russia and Japan

(D) England and  France

Ans:- (A)

Q.5 The “Last Supper” a famous Renaissance Painting was a masterpiece of 

(A) Michael Angelo

(B) Titian

(C) Leonardo-da- Vinci

(D) Raphael

Ans:- (C)

Q.6 The term ‘Steeplechase’ is associated with:

(A) Boxing

(B) Chess

(C) Rowing

(D) Horse Racing

Ans:- (D)

Q.7 When did France become a Republic?

(A) 1789 AD

(B) 1792 AD

(C) 1729 AD

(D) 1798 AD

Ans:- (B)

Q.8 When did Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin of Russia, the first man to reach space, reach space?

(A) 1960

(B) 1961

(C) 1962

(D) 1963

Ans:- (B)

Q.9 By the Act of 1858, the powers of the Board of Control and the Court of Directors were transferred to __________?

(A) The Secretary of State

(B) Commander-in-Chief

(C) Viceroy

(D) Parliament

Ans: (A)

Q. 10 Which is the most stable ecosystem?

(A) Desert

(B) Ocean

(C) Mountain

(D) Forest

Ans: (B)

Q.11 Widening of a river valley takes place due to                                      

(A) Corrosion

(B) Lateral Erosion

(C) Corrasion

(D) Hydraulic action

Ans:- (B)

Q.12 Resin is a product of 

(A) Grapes

(B) Coniferous trees

(C) Rubber tree

(D) Banyan Tree

Ans:- (B)

Q.13 First in first class Protein as it contains 

(A) Essential amino acids

(B) Nonessential amino acids

(C) All essential fatty acids

(D) No amino acids

Ans:- (A)

Q.14 Stem is usually

(A) Positively Phototropic

(B) Negatively Phototropic

(C) Negatively Geotropic

(D) Positively Acrotropic

Ans:- (A)

Q.15 The Jawaharlal Nehru Port is located at

(A) Paradip

(B) Cochin

(C) Mumbai

(D) Kolkata

Ans:- (C)

Q.16 Where was the headquarters of the European Union located?

(A) Brussels

(B) London

(C) Paris

(D) Rome

Ans:- (A)

Q.17 When did India launch her first Satellite ‘Aryabhatta’?

(A) 1966

(B) 1970

(C) 1975

(D) 1990

Ans:- (C)

Q.18 Equus Caballus is the scientific name of _______.

(A) Horse

(B) Zebra

(C) Donkey

(D) Buffalo

Ans:- (A)

Q.19 Indira Gandhi was assassinated in

(A) 1974

(B) 1984

(C) 1994

(D) 2004

Ans:- (B)

Q.20 Which of the following country has an Unwritten Constitution?

(A) India

(B) Pakistan

(C) UK


Ans:- (C)

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