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Q.1 The lowest point, on land, in the world is
(A) Death Valley, USA
(B) Caspian Sea, Russia
(C) Dead Sea, Jordan/Israel
(D) Lake Eyre, Australia
Ans:- (C)
Q.2 The mean radius of the earth is approximately?
(A) 32,000 km
(B) 6,400 km
(C) 9,600 km
(D) 12,800 km
Ans:- (B)
Q.3 The progressive wave theory regarding of tides was put forth by
(A) R..A Harris
(B) Issac Newton
(C) William Whewell
(D) G.B Airy
Ans:- (C)
Q.4 Who first translated Mahabharata into Tamil?
(A) Perundevanar
(B) Kamban
(C) Sundaramurthi
(D) Bharavi
Ans:- (A)
Q.5 Modern Indo-Aryan languages are based on an ancient language called
(A) Hindi
(B) Sanskrit
(C) Kannada
(D) Tamil
Ans:- (B
Q.6 Due to which of the following phenomena, are mirages seen?
(A) Double refraction of light
(B) Scattering of Light
(C) Total internal reflection of light
(D) Refraction of light
Ans:- (C)
Q.7 Who is the author of ‘Devdas’?
(A) K M Munshi
(B) R.K Narayana
(C) Amrita Pritam
(D) Sarat Chandra Chattopadhayay
Ans:- (D)
Q.8 Who is the guardian of Fundamental Rights enumerated in the Indian Constitution?
(A) Supreme Court
(B) Parliament
(C) Constitution
(D) President
Ans:- (A)
Q.9 To an astronaut outer space appears to be:
(A) Blue
(B) White
(C) Black
(D) Red
Ans:- (C)
Q.10 Zeolite is?
(A) Hydrated ferric oxide
(B) Hydrated sodium aluminum silicate
(C) Sodium hexameta phosphate
(D) Sodium tetra borate
Ans:- (B)
Q.11 The Scottish bacteriologist who discovered penicillin was
(A) Alexander Fleming
(B) Albert Einstein
(C) Archimedes
(D) Aryabhatta
Ans:- (A)
Q.12 The Walker Cup is associated with
(A) Wrestling
(B) Football
(C) Polo
(D) Golf
Ans:- (D)
Q.13 Nalanda is located at
(A) Gujarat
(B) Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
(C) Near Patna, Bihar
(D) Near Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Ans:- (C)
Q.14 The king of Macedonia, who conquered most of Asia Minor and defeated Porus (India) in 327 B .C. was
(A) Adolf Hitler
(B) Alexander the Great
(C) Chandragupta Maurya
(D) Christopher Columbus
Ans:- (B)
Q.15 The lower limit of perpetual snow in mountains such as the Himalayas is termed as the:
(A) tree line
(B) timber line
(C) snow line
(D) boundary line
Ans:- (C)
Q.16 The Vedas contain all the truth interpreted by
(A) Raja Rammohan Roy
(B) Swami Vivekananda
(C) Swami Dayananda
(D) None of the above
Ans:- (C)
Q.17 Deep blue color is imparted to glass by the presence of
(A) Iron oxide
(B) Cupric oxide
(C) Cobalt oxide
(D) Nickel oxide
Ans:- (C)
Q.18 The second-largest continent in the world is
(A) Europe
(B) Asia
(C) Africa
(D) Australia
Ans:- (C)
Q.19 After independence, the first State organized based on language is
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Tamilnadu
(C) Karnataka
(D) Kerala
Ans:- (A)
Q.20 Who was the founder of Vikramshila University?
(A) Devraja
(B) Dharmapala
(C) Gopala
(D) Devpala
Ans:- (B)