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Q.1 Materials of rainproof coats and tents owe their waterproof properties to
(A) Surface tension
(B) Viscosity
(C) Specific gravity
(D) Elasticity
Ans:- (A)
Q.2 Icons are ____ commands
(A) Typed
(B) Verbal
(C) Picture
(D) Imaginary
Ans:- (C)
Q.3 Which of the following is an MS-DOS external command?
Ans:- (C)
Q.4 The most abundant enzyme in the living world is
(A) Rubisco
(B) Invertase
(C) DNAse
(D) Zymase
Ans:- (A)
Q.5 X-ray region lies between
(A) Ultraviolet and visible region
(B) Visible and infra-red region
(C) Gamma-rays and ultraviolet region
(D) Short radio waves and long radio waves
Ans:- (C)
Q.6 Who was the father of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose?
(A) Satyendranath Bose
(B) Janakinath Bose
(C) Jagadish Chandra Bose
(D) S.N. Bose
Ans:- (B)
Q.7 Who gave the way to chemical symbols used by us in modern times?
(A) Louis Pasteur
(B) Robert Boyle
(C) Berzelius
(D) John Dalton
Ans:- (C)
Q.8 Most densely populated city in Australia is:
(A) Canberra
(B) Sydney
(C) Melbourne
(D) Pearth
Ans:- (C)
Q.9 Which one is the lowest Porous?
(A) Sandy Soil
(B) Silty Soil
(C) Clay Soil
(D) Saline Soil
Ans:- (C)
Q.10 Thomas Cup belongs to which sport?
(A) Tennis
(B) Badminton
(C)Table Tennis
(D) Hockey
Ans:- (B)
Q.11 ________ is a byproduct of sewage treatment and can be decomposed to produce biogas
(A) Sewage
(B) Sludge
(C) Sewar
(D) Scum
Ans:- (B)
Q.12 Where is the headquarters of INTERPOL?
(A) Paris
(B) London
(C) Lyons
(D) Geneva
Ans:- (C)
Q.13 The Sewage obtained from water closets and urinals is known as
(A) Sanitary waste
(B) Industrial waste
(C) Garbage
(D) Sullage
Ans:- (A)
Q.14 Maximum permissible con-centration of total hardness in drinking water is
(A) 50
(B) 100
(C) 200
(D) 500
Ans:- (C)
Q.15 Where is the Mitti Dam based?
(A) Odisha
(B) Gujarat
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Madhya Pradesh
Ans:- (B)
Q.16 What is the shape of two guard cells which enclose stomata?
(A) Oval
(B) Triangular
(C) Rectangular
(D) Kidney shaped
Ans:- (D)
Q.17 The smallest state of India is:
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Sikkim
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Goa
Ans:- (D)
Q.18 The playground of baseball is known as:
(A) Diamond
(B) Ring
(C) Court
(D) Pitch
Ans:- (A)
Q.19 Rings of _________ are present in the throat to ensure that the air passage does NOT collapse
(A) Bone
(B) Tendon
(C) Ligament
(D) Cartilage
Ans:- (D)
Q.20 Which kind of emergency can be proclaimed on the grounds of failure of Constitutional Machinery in a State?
(A) National Emergency
(B) State Emergency
(C) Financial Emergency
(D) State and Financial Emergency
Ans:- (B)