SSCE GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 20-20 (03.11.2024)

           Knowledge ka daily dose

Q.1 Chaitnya Mahaprabhu is related to which sect?

(A) Vaishnava

(B) Shaiva

(C) Buddhist

(D) Sufi

Ans:- (A)

Q.2 Kathakali is a major dance from which state?

(A) Tamilnadu

(B) Kerala

(C) Karnataka

(D) Andhra Pradesh

Ans:- (B)

Q.3 How much area does India cover of the total geographical location of the world? 

 (A) 5.76%

(B) 1.40%

(C) 2.42%

(D) 3.56%

Ans:- (C)

Q.4 On which river, the Baglihar Hydro Power Project is located? 

(A) Chenab

(B) Ravi

(C) Beas

(D) Narmada

Ans:- (A)

Q.5 Ozone layer is found in:

(A) Troposphere

(B) Stratosphere

(C) Mesosphere

(D) Ionosphere

Ans:- (B)

Q.6 The type of climate in India is:

(A) Subtropical

(B) Summer

(C) Winter

(D) Autumn

Ans:- (A)

Q.7 The Closest Capital to the Tropic of Cancer:

(A) Ranchi

(B) Jamshedpur

(C) Sahibgunj

(D) Bhagalpur

Ans:- (A)

Q.8 The ‘Treaty of Srirangapatnam’ was signed on 18 March 1792 between Tipu Sultan and _____

(A) Clive

(B) Dalhousie

(C) Cornwallis

(D) Warren Hastings

Ans:- (C)

Q.9 Punjab has  a large number of inundation canals drawn ater from

(A) Jhelum

(B) Chenab

(C) Beas

(D) Sutlej

Ans:- (D)

Q.10 Majuli Island is located in:

 (A) Ganga

(B) Yamuna

(C) Kaveri

(D) Brahmaputra

Ans:- (D)

Q.11 The collection of linked information residing on computers which is available through the Internet is called:

(A) Web Information

(B) Web Server

(C) World Wide Web 

(D) Web Store 

Ans:- (C)

Q.12 The National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO) is located at:

(A) Lucknow

(B) Allahabad

(C) Kolkata

(D) Delhi

Ans:- (C)

Q.13 The first woman who became a Chief Minister of India was

(A) Nandini Satpathy

(B) Dr. J Jayalalitha

(C) Sucheta Kripalini

(D) Mayawati


Q.14 Who of the following contemporary of Alexander, the Great?

(A) Bimbisara

(B) Chandragupta Maurya

(C) Ashoka

(D) Pushyamitra Sungha

Ans:- (B)

Q.15 The Process which does not evolve Carbon dioxide in the air is

(A) Burning

(B) Breathing

(C) Organic decay 

(D) Photosynthesis

Ans:- (D)

Q.16 Which of the following cities had become the first open-defecation-free city in India? 

(A) Indore

(B) Gangtok

(C) Beas

(D) Amritsar


Q.17. Indian player Jude Felix is associated with which sports?

(A) Tennis

(B) Football

(C) Hockey

(D) Volleyball


Q.18. The Indian, who holds the pride of beating the computers in mathematical wizard is:

(A) Shakuntala Devi

(B) Raja Ramanna

(C) Ramanujam

(D) Rina Panigrahi


Q.19 In which of the following cities Charminar situated? 

(A) Mysore

(B) Rajkot

(C) Hyderabad

(D) Lucknow


Q.20 Source of energy in ecosystem is –


(B) Sugar produced in photosynthesis

(C) Green plants

(D) Sun


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