SSCE GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 20-20 (18.01.2025)

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1. ‘Raktakarabi’ is a ______

(A) Drama

(B) Poem

(C) Novel

(D) Story

Ans:- (A)

2. 36 Chowringhee Lane is a film directed by:

(A) Gopal Bhattacharjee

(B) Goutam Ghosh 

(C) Aparna Sen

(D) Tapan Singha

Ans:- (C)

3. Nichrome wire is used for the heating coil of an electric heat because it has:

(A) High melting point

(B) High resistivity

(C) High density

(D) High strength

Ans:- (B)

4. ________ forest covers the largest area in India.

(A) Tropical moist deciduous

(B) Tropical dry deciduous

(C) Tropical evergreen

(D) Mangrove

Ans:- (A)

5. The word “Socialist’ was incorporated in the Preamble in the year:

(A) 1652

(B) 1950

(C) 1976

(D) 1978

Ans:- (C)

6. Which of the following metals has the least melting point?

(A) Gold

(B) Silver

(C) Mercury

(D) Copper

Ans:- (A)

7. The gas produced in marshy places due to decomposition of vegetation is:

(A) Carbon monoxide

(B) Carbon dioxide

(C) Sulphur dioxide

(D) Methane

Ans:- (D)

8. In cacti, the spines are modified:

(A) stem

(B) stipules

(C) leaves

(D) buds

Ans:- (C)

9. The Kabya Meghdoot, was written by _____

(A) Kalidasa

(B) Bhababhuti

(C) Harsha

(D) Tulsidas

Ans:- (A)

10. The smallest known prokaryotic organism is_____

(A) Microcystis

(B) Mycoplasma

(C) Bacteria

(D) Chlorella

Ans:- (B)

11. Which acid is formed when milk is converted to curd?

(A) Citric acid

(B) Lactic acid

(C) Acetic acid

(D) Formic acid

Ans:- (B)

12. Which Sultan of Delhi introduced regulations for market control?

(A) Balban

(B) Muhammad Tughlaq

(C) Alauddin Khalji

(D) Firuz Shah

Ans:- (C)

13. Who introduced the Vernacular Press Act?

(A) Lord Dalhousie

(B) Lord Lytton

(C) Lord Wellesley

(D) Lord Curzon

Ans:- (B)

14. The tenure of a member of the Rajya Sabha.

(A) Three years

(B) Two years

(C) Six years

(D) Four years

Ans:- (C)

15. Excess water is eliminated in plants by the process called:

(A) Respiration

(B) Photosynthesis

(C) Transpiration

(D) Excretion

Ans:- (C)

16. The chemical name of “Hypo” commonly used in photography is:

(A) Sodium thiosulphate

(B) Silver nitrate

(C) Sodium nitrate

(D) Silver iodide

Ans:- (A)

17. Which part of the plant is used as ‘saffron’?

(A) Petals

(B) Stamens

(C) Style and Stigma

(D) Sepals

Ans:- (C)

18. Suspended colloidal particles in the water can be removed by the process of :

(A) Filtration

(B) Adsorption

(C) Absorption

(D) Coagulation

Ans:- (D)

19. Grave’s disease is caused due to:

(A) hyperactivity of thyroid

(B) hypoactivity of thymus

(C) hypoactivity of thyroid

(D) hyperactivity of thymus

Ans:- (A)

20. The property which is seen in light waves but not in sound waves is :

(A) Diffraction

(B) Refraction

(C) Polarization

(D) Interference

Ans:- (C)

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