SSCE GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 20-20 (24.01.2025)

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Q.1 ‘North Pole’ lies in the middle of the:

(A) Pacific Ocean 

(B) Atlantic Ocean 

(C) Indian Ocean 

(D) Arctic ocean

Ans:- (D)

Q.2 The shortest National Highway in India is:

(A) NH-7 

(B) NH-3

(C) NH-44 

(D) NH-47A

Ans:- (D)

Q.3 The capital of Mizoram is

(A) Imphal 

(B) Shillong 

(C) Aizawl 

(D) Kohima

Ans:- (C)

Q.4  Which of the following ports is a tidal port?

(A) Kolkata port 

(B) Kandla port 

(C) Mumbai port 

(D) Vishakapatnam Port

Ans:- (B)

Q.5 ‘Rand’ is a currency of which of the following countries?

(A) Korea 

(B) Brazil 

(C) Italy

(D) South Africa

Ans:- (D)

Q.6 The Constituent Assembly of India started functioning from

(A) 9th December 1946 

(B) 1st January 1947 

(C) 26th January 1947 

(D) 15th August 1947

Ans:- (A)

Q.7 Which Amendment of the Indian constitution inserted the words ‘Socialist’, ‘Secular’, and ‘Integrity’ in the Preamble?

(A) 28th 

(B) 44th 

(C) 42nd 

(D) 52nd 

Ans:- (C)

Q.8 Which article of the Indian constitution provides the Instruction of Panchayati Raj?

(A) Article 36 

(B) Article 39 

(C) Article 40 

(D) Article 48

Ans:- (C)

Q.9 Which is the longest Railway Platform in India?

(A) Kanpur 

(B) Nagpur 

(C) Gorakhpur 

(D) Kharagpur

Ans:- (C)

Q.10 Following the thermoregulatory in the human brain.

(A) Pituitary 

(B) Spinal cord 

(C) Cerebellum 

(D) Hypothalamus

Ans:- (D)

Q.11 The instrument obtains a magnified view of small objects:

(A) Telescope

(B) Macroscope

(C) Microscope

(D) Stethoscope

Ans:- (C)

Q.12 The full form of LAN associated with computer networking is:

(A) Land Area Network

(B) Local Area Network

(C) Local and non-local

(D) Land and network

Ans:- (B)

Q.13 Mahabharata was written by:

(A) Maharshi Ved Vyas

(B) Kalidas

(C) Valmiki

(D) Tulsidas

Ans:- (A)

Q.14 Which of the following stadiums is NOT located in Delhi?

(A) Chidambaram Stadium

(B) Shivaji Stadium

(C) Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium

(D) Indira Gandhi Indore Stadium

Ans:- (A)

Q.15 The time difference between I.S.T and G.M.T is

(A) 5 hours

(B) 5 hours 15 minutes

(C) 5 hours 30 minutes

(D) 5 hours 45 minutes

Ans:- (C)

Q.16 Study of life in outer space is known as:

(A) endbiology

(B) exobiology

(C) neurobiology

(D) enterology

Ans: (B)

Q.17 The UNO was founded at:

(A) Paris

(B) Moscow

(C) London

(D) San Francisco 

Ans: (D)

Q.18 Mother Teresa won the Nobel Prize for Peace in the year:

(A) 1992

(B) 1979

(C) 1988

(D) 1970

Ans: (B)

Q 19. When did Commander Robert Peary discover the North Pole?

(A) 1904

(B) 1905

(C) 1908

(D) 1909

Ans: (D)

Q.20 The world’s largest International Organisation and a successor to the League of Nations is:





 Ans: (C)

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