Daily Current Affairs 17th May 2024

Q.1. Which newspaper won the Sixth International Newspaper Design Competition’s top prize?
ANS. The Hindu
Q.2. Which group recently commemorated Raising Day 65 years ago?
ANS. Border Roads Organisation
Q.3. In the Indian Air Force, who has taken over as the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief (AOC-in-C) of the Training Command?
ANS. Nagesh Kapoor
Q.4. What was the career reputation of Salam Bin Razzaq?
ANS. Writer and Translator
Q.5. When is the annual International No Diet Day observed?
ANS. May 6
Q.6. Which company has received orders from BSNL worth approximately Rs 19,000 crore to roll out its 4G network with Tejas Networks and the state-owned ITI?
Q.7. Which nation’s coast will Cyclone Hidaya from the Indian Ocean reach close to Dar es Salaam?
ANS. Tanzania
Q.8. Which nation used liquid oxygen to successfully launch the “SR75” rocket, which was fuelled by candle wax?
ANS. Germany

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